10 Things to Know About Disney World Weather in December

Disney World Weather in December

Disney World Weather in December

I’m a big fan of the Disney World weather in December, it’s one of my favorite times to plan a visit to the parks! It’s like stepping into a magical winter wonderland, minus the freezing cold you might expect!

Planning a trip to the happiest place on Earth during this festive month brings its own set of wonders and maybe a few surprises when it comes to the weather. From personal experience and a bit of research, here are 10 things you absolutely must know about Disney World’s weather in December to make your vacation as magical as the season.

disney world weather in december

10 Things to Know About Disney World Weather In December

1. Mild and Comfortable Days

First off, the days are generally mild and oh-so-comfortable. Think temperatures that hover around the 70s (Fahrenheit), which are perfect for exploring the parks from morning till night without getting too hot or too cold.

2. Cooler Evenings

While the days are divine, the evenings can get a bit chilly, dipping into the 50s. So, packing a cozy sweater or a light jacket is a smart move. It’s perfect weather for snuggling up with a hot cocoa while watching the fireworks.

3. Less Rainy Days

December is actually one of the drier months at Disney World, meaning fewer rainy days to dampen your spirits. However, it’s always wise to pack a poncho or umbrella, just in case a surprise shower decides to join the party.

4. Sunshine Abounds

Expect plenty of sunshine! It’s like Mother Nature knows you’re on vacation. This makes December a fantastic time to capture those perfect family photos in front of Cinderella’s Castle without the harsh summer sun beating down.

5. Packing for the Weather

Given the range of temperatures, layering is key. Pack items you can easily put on or take off as the day shifts from warm to cool. Comfortable walking shoes are a must, too, since you’ll likely be on your feet all day.

6. Water Parks May Feel Cooler

If you’re eyeing a splash at one of Disney’s water parks, remember the water can feel a bit cooler, especially on days when the temperature dips. Heated pools at the resorts, however, are a delightful way to unwind after a day of adventure.

7. Perfect Parade Weather

The mild December weather makes waiting for parades and outdoor shows quite pleasant. You won’t be battling the intense sun, making these magical moments even more enjoyable.

8. Ideal for Outdoor Dining

This is the perfect time to enjoy outdoor dining around the parks and resorts. The temperate weather makes those al fresco meals delightful, whether it’s a quick snack or a leisurely dinner.

9. Cooler Weather Means More Energy

You might find that the cooler temperatures keep your energy up longer. Less sweating and no overheating mean you can make the most of your park days without the midday slump.

10. A Different Kind of Holiday Magic

Finally, experiencing Disney World in December’s weather adds a unique layer to the holiday magic. The cooler temperatures complement the festive decorations and seasonal treats, making it feel like a true holiday getaway.

Visiting Disney World in December has always been a highlight for my family. The weather is just one piece of the puzzle that makes the experience so special. With a little preparation and the right attire, you’re set for an unforgettable holiday adventure in the most magical place on Earth.

So pack your bags, bring your festive spirit, and get ready to enjoy Disney World in all its December glory!

What to Pack for Disney World